Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It strikes me that, before long, scientists will be genetically engineering strange hybrids. Perhaps they are already, bearing in mind some of the stranger cryptids of which we hear. Are they likely to engineer human/animal hybrids. I fear so. This would make tthe Island of Dr Moreau a ghastly reality.

Many people actually believe you can get animal-human hybrids. Take, for example, a tribe in Africa who believe that certain beautiful young women are the offspring of a union of a man and a lioness. Nobody ever seems to have thought that very few people are going to consider mating with a lioness. It has its hazards. Incidentally, should you marry one of these girls, she may eat you when you least expect it. Still, I suppose it's less costly than divorce.

Another tribe believes in gorilla-human hybrids. It seems that certain men mistake gorillas for beautiful women and these are the results. These certain men should, I feel, have gone to Specsavers.


  1. Hi Ronan

    Thanks for the phone message the other day. Sorry we missed you.

    Going to be away this coming weekend again at a conference in Boston, but then back early next week for quite a while, so feel free to call then onwards and we should be around.


  2. "Another tribe believes in gorilla-human hybrids. It seems that certain men mistake gorillas for beautiful women and these are the results. These certain men should, I feel, have gone to Specsavers."

    I honestly cannot fault those men. Have you never seen pictures of the women in some of those areas where gorillas live.
