Monday, October 05, 2009


I always hate doing this, guys. But once again we have a cashflow problem. Book sales are down 30% on last year and whilst everything will be freed up when we get charity status (I suppose I should really say if we get charity status), and in the short term things will be sorted when the money from The Sun arrives, we are still in dire straights.

I always think that appealing directly for donations is ridiculously vulgar, but it costs a lot of money to actually do stuff. We have a string of little projects that we would like to do over the winter, and things would be much easier if we sold some more memberships and got a few more donations.

However, what we would really like is some sponsors. We are getting something in the region of three quarters of a million hits a year. I hope that we shall be able to attract some on-topic advertising for the bloggo, which will be able to push us up to the next level. Don't worry. It will never get to the stage that we are advertising any old tat like some people we might mention, but some on-topic sponsors would certainly help.

Sorry to be a pain.


  1. Jon -How do you become a member? The only link I found goes to an ebay auction and as I don't have an ebay account was a bit stumped. Perhaps you could post up details of how to join etc? thanks.

  2. It's just a suggestion, Jon, but it might be useful if you said how much membership costs and how long it lasts. Also it might help if you could give the link as to where people can buy a membership.

  3. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but keep forgetting (you're not the only one on medication). I get my DLA this week, so will transfer some money to my Paypal account, which takes around 10 days. I am watching the eBay auction for membership.

    @Kithra, try eBay Item #380162500414 :)
