Wednesday, October 14, 2009

CFZ PEOPLE: Lizzy is in hospital

Thoughts and prayers please for Lizzy Clancy, bloggo sub-editor, who was admitted to hospital on monday. She is OK, (I spoke to her last night) but is mightily fed up because she has nothing to do and reckons (with some justification) that in her abscence spelling and grammar atrocities will increase tenfold on the blogo.

Get well soon honey.


  1. Get well soon, Lizzy. As Jon points out, I'm sure the bloggo will suffer grammatically while you're away :) And I only say that half in jest as I'm quite pedantic when it comes to my own scribblings, although I'm willing to let it go when I read somebody else's!

  2. We miss you, Lizzy. Hope you're feeling better soon!
