Monday, October 19, 2009


As always seems to be the case at this time of year, we have a whole string of minor bits of building work that need to be done, and Graham is presently wandering about the grounds with a diligent look on his face, and a bucket of concrete.

There is pointing that needs to be re-done, path edgings that need fixing, and steps to rebuild.

Everywhere he goes, he is followed by his little black and white assistant who seems determined to help, even if that help involves testing the edibility of the concrete bucket, and doing his best to achieve a modicum of immortality by leaving little doggy footprints in the wet cement....

1 comment:

  1. Heh, last night our dog was apparently intent on helping us work on fixing our bathroom door. What exactly her contribution would have been, I don't know. Probably stealing a screw and running off with it.

    How old is Biggles now?
