Tuesday, September 29, 2009

SOSTRATUS WINSTON: On the Irish Lake Monster

Oh, deary me; it appears the CFZ has caught promising footage of an anomalous occurance in an Irish lake and those other members of the cryptozoological community who are sore that they didn't get there first are doing their level best to spoil it.

I'll admit that my involvement with the CFZ has been minimal; indeed, I have only spoken to Mr Downes himself to date; but I believe them all to be upstanding people and scientifically minded, which is not something that can be said for those ragamuffins who have left internet comments casting aspersions as to the honesty and morality of those involved.

Personally, I was impressed with the video when I saw it but that does not mean I excitedly donned my "nessie lives" T-shirt (not that I actually have one, you trust). However, it is interesting footage and worthy of further study. We have enough of the mainstream scientific community sniping in our direction without us turning on ourselves.

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