Saturday, September 12, 2009

FRISWELL'S FREAKY FEATURES: There were (speculated) giants in those days

Some months ago Alan Friswell, the bloke who made the CFZ Feegee Mermaid and also the guy responsible for some of the most elegantly macabre bloggo postings, wrote me an email.

He had an idea for a new series for the bloggo. Quite simply he has an enormous collection of macabre, fortean, odd and disturbing magazine and newspaper articles, and he proposed to post them up on the bloggo.

One of the perennial staples of 50s science fiction films is the concept of technological distortion, either through genetics or that old faithful of the classic monster B-movie, radiation, causing abnormal growth variants in both human and animal species.

Drive-in classics such as Tarantula (1955), The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957), and The Attack of the 50 Foot Woman (1958), stretched even the credulity of the in-the-groove hepcats, and real-gone daddy-Os of the period.

But as this article demonstrates, the concept of artificially induced giantism was, at least in some quarters, taken rather more seriously....

1 comment:

  1. I rather suspect that the poster for "Attack of the 50 foot woman" brought a smile to many male faces. We men know that it does not require a 50 foot tall woman to bring such mayhem to the roads. All that is needed is to give a normal sized woman a driving license.
