Tuesday, August 11, 2009

WEIRD WEEKEND - Only a few days to go

There are only a few days to go and as always, I am getting jittery. However, despite the continual run of cock-ups I am feeling ridiculously upbeat, which is probably a bad sign.
We have sold two more advance tickets than we did last year. If it had not been for the recession I expect that we would have sold a great deal more; however, as anyone who came to last year's event will know, it was teeming and a great success. So I am not particularly worried; not about attendance, anyway.
There was a slight scare over the last couple of days when it appeared possible that two pivotal people might have contracted Swine Flu, but they didn't and everything is OK. The marquee goes up this afternoon, and the first visiting crew members arrive tomorrow.
Then, boys and girls, it is time for the weirdest weekend of the year....
PS: We are finalising how we shall be covering the WW on the bloggo. We will, as we did last year, be showing the event in its entirety on CFZtv. It will be filmed for a forthcoming BBC programme, and also for Danish TV. There will be daily updates. However, as Gavin L-W will be down here, living in a tent, and with only limited computer access, I think that it is questionable whether there will be newsblog updates, and Yesterday's News Today.
However, as this is the first WW since we started the daily bloggo, we are just gonna have to play it by ear.
BTW, the thing that I personally am looking forward to most will be meeting Gavin, Lizzy, Glen and other bloggo stalwarts with whom I have become surprisingly close in the past few months, but whom I have never actually met in person. Strange innit?


  1. Ah, but Jon, we have met in person, but this was before my days with the CFZ.

  2. we have? Gavin u must forgive me..

  3. Yes, you signed a copy of "Island of Paradise" for me at the Fortean Times UnConvention last November, and we spoke briefly about music.

  4. Now I feel guilty. But as I get older my memory really is terrible - nearly as bad as Graham's.
