Friday, August 21, 2009


For the first time we had complaints about the noise from the cocktail party. Although these complaints were not upheld by Torridge District Council (who agreed with me that a private garden party once a year, that finishes at 11:30 does not constitute a public nuisance) I have decided that in future there will not be a disco at the cocktail party. We shall have something quiet and acoustic, and I would like to apologise to anyone who was disturbed.

I live in this village 365 days a year, and would not like the noise incurred on one of those nights to prejudice my relations with my neighbours on the other 364....


  1. There is always one miserable 'GIT' around and personally I would lay good odds that it was an outsider who has fairly recently moved to the village. They will most likely complain soon, about the racket of the church bells ringing and the evil noise from the local roosters welcoming each new day.
    Your party was NOT LOUD. When Bob & I left, by the time we reached the top of your lane we could barely hear the terrible din that is jokingly called music nowadays.

  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I agree with Syd, but having heard this had happened, I in discussions with Dave reckon the Community Centre would provide an equally good venue for the event, and with the AV set up for the Lectures in place it would save the shuffling to get everything moved and reset!
    quick wins all round!

  3. ...things might work in your favour. Having acoustic music sounds like a fantastic idea. Certainly muych better than that chav noise.
