Tuesday, August 04, 2009


Tony Shiels wrote to me yesterday, and his letter included the following passage:

"One of my grandchildren tells me that, according to certain Internet blogeens, I'm `the late Doc Shiels`, dead, departed and deceased. Must have been as sick as a Pythonbic Parrot with PSItticosis (accent on the psi). Mark Twain may be gone but at the time of writing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!

That was close"

I thought that we should really put the record straight. Tony is alive, well and living a few miles from Killarney....


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    You can tell Doc it was Andy Collins of Earthquest News that tagged him so. I have told Collins that Doc's ALIVE, but, well, some folks don't update their pages. I imagine some members of the Magic community aren't sure of Shiels's existential status.

  2. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Coffin Joe, Doc Shiels's diabolical Brazilian cousin . . .


  3. Hi Tony,
    I,m pleased your still alive and well! I also live in Ireland now and would be very pleased to see you again after all these years. My email: kevinrhart@hotmail.com tel 071 9189740

    All the best, Kevin (Hart)
