Monday, July 13, 2009

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday’s News Today

Yesterday’s News Today

Most Mondays on YNT are Movie Monday’s. How it works is this: I look around for a good film and when one comes to mind I scour the internet for a decent trailer. Once I’ve done that I post the link here and nobody clicks on it because nobody actually reads this bit and everyone just skips on to the latest cryptozoology news stories links and hopes that their eyes won’t fall upon the bad pun at the end. I might as well be posting up coordinates of where I hid the bodies or my secret superhero identity; no one would read it anyway. Anyway, let's test who’s actually paying attention and play a mean trick on those that are just skimming this: what follows is the worst film of all time. It’s a film that is so bad it even goes past the ‘so bad it’s good’ zone, which is a hard thing to do. It is played in a playlist in the deepest level of hell that includes ‘the league of extraordinary gentlemen’ and just about every Woody Allen film… it’s that bad. If you think you can think of a worse film then please post it in the coments section. I bet you won’t be able to though:

And now the news:

seagull torments parish priest
The Red squirrel fight back against greys has begun, claim conservationists.
EPA: Monkey facility may need more permits
Prescott's lion finally loses to urban perils
£5,000 spent to move rare newts
Elephant carwash raises zoo cash
Moisturiser answers elephant call
Chuffed to see choughs
How flowers conquered the world

That’s flower power.


  1. I'm sorry Oll, I have to disagree. I think the Jack Black video movie thing looks ACE and I'm now going to hire it from Blockbuster the minute I get some cash!


  2. I once watched a movie so bad it made me want to kick a puppy. It was called Hobgoblins, and despite the cheesy nature of the B horror film, the really horrible part was that the director actually TRIED to exploit stupid jokes. AND FAILED. I'm still baffled over that one.
