Friday, July 17, 2009


A few days ago we posted some pictures sent to us by Tony Lucas of a body on a beach in New Zealand, and included the portentous words that "in our opinion it was no placental mammal known to science". We were hoping that the marching morons of t'internet (or `teh internetz` as it is more widely known to these people) would jump upon the bandwagon and start shouting nonsense about alien bodies and Government conspiracies.

True, a few did just that, but most of you (golly, what sensible and erudite readers we have) correctly noted that it was the body of an oppossum. Something both Tony and we had agreed on before we posted it. The clue was in our line about PLACENTAL mammals.

However, this is a second body from another NZ beach, and we include it because it is bright blue. It is probably another opposum, but this time we honestly do not know....


  1. The other photos also show how emersion in water can drasticly chane the look of even the most common of animals.
    This one was buried under a ton of logs so that was as much detail as I could get.

  2. Now, for that second one...

    It has to be a genetically modified organism the New Zealand government has been trying keep under cover for decades.

    Either that, it's actually a real gargoyle.
