Monday, July 27, 2009


"Yes! Welcome to Friswell's Freaky Features, an ongoing spot on the CFZ blog page where you will encounter the fun, the freaky, the frightening and on occasion, the downright horrifying. Many of these items are from almost forgotten archives and no doubt should, in many cases, have stayed forgotten. But no chance of that on this site!

So be prepared to be amazed by the bizarre manifestations of nature, the aberrations of the natural world and the complete (on occasion) mind-bending insanity of collective humanity. Read on...."

I'm morally sure that any comments that I might make at this point concerning the possible benefits to be derived from the arrival of one or more beavers by parachute may well be misconstrued, or more likely perverted entirely by some of the more prurient minds lurking on this site, so I'll just let you read it for yourselves....


  1. It says "One problem remains to be solved ..... Are these eager Beavers bona fide members of the caterpillar club."
    One may also wonder, knowing what rodents are like, if at least some of them may qualify as members of the mile high club.

  2. Sydney - I am shocked
