Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Every few years, and sometimes it seems every few months, there is another health scare promulgated by H.M. Government. Often it seems that these scares are politically motivated (like the import ban on birds into the EU as a result of the `Bird Flu` scare, which was truly nothing more than a sop to the more rabid Animal Rights folk), and - to date - I have never actually known anyone with bird flu, salmonella poisoning, listeria poisoning, SARS, or any of the other global pandemics that threaten to wipe out the human race every few months.

However, swine flu is different. At least two friends of the CFZ, Clarissa Lindsay (left) and Dave McMann (not pictured, because he isn't as cute, and we have not actually got a picture of him) have fallen to it, and it sounds bloody dreadful.

Dave writes:

"Don't believe the hype that this flu is mild. It isn't; it's a bastard. The media are reporting it in two ways.
1. Gov' says it's ok.
2. Everyone is going to die.

Well, after three days I have now moments where it seems to be receeding, so I'll live. Comes back in waves, but the time between waves are getting longer. Last night was bad. Had, to put it politely, ejections from both ends. That was OK when there was something to eject, but not too nice when there was nothing. Was about a billion degrees in bed; good thing about that was it lead to very strange dreams. Stayed in bed - not long up now - but going back to bed and the dizziness has gone.

Clarissa has recovered, and we are still waiting for more bulletins from Dave....

1 comment:

  1. May we wish you both a speedy recovery and ypu are in our hopes and prayers.

