Monday, June 22, 2009


What I love about this bloggo is that the most peculiar subjects become threads. Who would have thought that Alan F.'s peculiar piece about sculpting with lobsters would be so popular that it would inspire a comment more than the "ugh that's freaky dude" sort; but it did.

Richard Holland wrote:

"Classy! Reminds me of Nigel Kneale's short story about a bloke who catches frogs and toads from his local pond, stuffs them, then dresses them up as little toffs and dandies. The amphibians take a dim view of this and one morning he's found squatting by the pond, stark naked and stuffed full of pondweed. So should suffer all who make tacky craft items."

So I couldn't resist it. Here, from the late lamented Potter's Museum of Curiosity, is a peculiar 19th Century sculpture of two 19th Century clergymen smoking pipes. And it is made entirely out of bits of lobster. I always loved that sculpture and hope that whoever has it now, they are looking after it.

However, this has got portions of the editorial team (we, me and Biggles, and it is only me that interprets his sniffing the cat's bottom and turning out the bins as being interested in crustacean sculpture) interested in the whole subject of crustacean sculpture. Is there any more out there? Can you get me some? Uncle Jon's Museum of Curiosities will not be complete until we have some lobster sculpture of our own!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jon.
    Alan F here.
    Perhaps I can make you a lobsterman to go with the feejee mermaid....
