Monday, May 18, 2009

THIS IS ODD: Owl with luminous eyes

This is monumentally peculiar. I don't believe a word of it. But I have no idea how, or why this was made, or even what it is. Please enlighten me...


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    You were right to be skeptical. It looks like viral marketing for LG Electronics. Check out the website with the LG logo at the bottom. Also, check out the YouTube channel for yorva. Notice one of the videos they have up is for a LG Transparent Phone. Also, every other video they have up has to do with the owl- most of them silly. For example, one is called "Star Wars in Africa!!" and has the owl shooting lasers from it's eyes while it fights the tribesmen who wield lightsabers.

  2. Anonymous4:17 PM

    By the way, my guess is they're doing this as advertising for the phone, the keys of which light up. Probably gonna tie the technology to the story of the "self illuminating" owl. Some comments made by yorva on their YouTube videos:
    "scary scary!
    didn't know that kind of owl lived in the world... feeling a bit scared but the owl looks so mysterious.. wondering what the crew can find out after this.."

    And about the phone:
    "it doesn't look like a phone..but touch screen looks amazing! i may choose this as a my next one. :)"
