Sunday, May 24, 2009


The Bloggo keeps on evolving, and I have to admit that quite a few of the features that we have now were not something that I could have imagined working at all. But they do. Oll's stupid pictures and puns, for example: I would be lynched if I tried to get rid of them. And so today it is a great pleasure to launch not one, but two new features.


Last week, as an amusing one-off Tim Matthews, wrote a silly short story spoofing some of the more ridiculous exploits of various self-styled big cat researchers over the years. It was so popular that he wrote another one, and now - by public demand - it has become a serial.

Starting this evening, every other day will see an episode of Timmo's new Fortean soap opera The Cats of Upper Minster. And having read the first few episodes I can confirm that it is bloody smashing and highly amusing. "I'll carry on until it stops being funny" says Tim, and you can't say fairer than that!


As readers of my ramblings will know, I first moved to the little North Devon village of Woolfardisworthy in May 1971, and after a break of a quarter of a century I came back four years ago. When I first came here there was a family living next door. Mr and Mrs Braund had three children: David (about the same age as me), Lorraine (a couple of years younger) and Kaye (a couple of years younger still). Within months we became like brothers and sisters, and although David died over 20 years ago now, the two girls have been like my sisters ever since.

Kaye now has a husband and three boys (whom I treat as nephews), and regular bloggo readers will know the two eldest, David (17) and Ross (14) from their adventures with the CFZ. Finally (after months of being bullied by her big brother) Kaye has started a blog about the adventures and animals at Walland Farm, just down the road, where the family live, and in the debut posting they announce that - against all the odds - their pet hedgehogs have bred.

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