Sunday, May 24, 2009

CFZ PEOPLE: Pat Delgado has died

Just in:

Pat Delgado, quite possibly the first crop circle researcher has died of cancer. His friend and colleague Colin Andrews writes:

"Pat Delgado, famous for being the person who started serious research into what became known as crop circles, passed away at 8.30 AM (U.K.) today in Winchester Hospital, Hampshire, England.Pat was a very young 90 years of age, when cancer struck and took a very rapid toll in recent weeks.He was a compassionate sensitive human being, an excellent engineer and reputable healer. He was a dear friend and my co-author who was largely responsible for one of the happiest periods of my life.I send my deepest and most sincere condolences to Norah his Wife, Jan his Daughter and Guy his Grandson, who showed such love and caring and did all they could in such distressing circumstances. My love to you all. Colin.(More later)"


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