Tuesday, April 07, 2009


North Carolina has a plethora of strange animals, as our NC rep Shane Lea will tell you. However, can one of them do this amount of damage to an innocent SUV? Oh yes, I hear you say, there is no such thing as an innocent SUV.

We post the following story because it is mildly interesting, but we would like you all to know that it has taken an almost superhuman effort to refrain from making stupid jokes, sarcastic comments, or indulging in other negative behaviour...

1 comment:

  1. syd WRITES: "Maybe the Lizard-man of South Carolina has gone on holiday to North Carolina and fancied a light snack.
    This case seems to be of a similar type to some of those reported around Bishopville, South Carolina since 1988 where vehicles have been chomped. The creature is known as "The Lizard-Man of Bishopville"
    For a more detailed report see:-
