Monday, April 27, 2009

The "Water Blackfella" Redux

Dale Drinnon writes: "I do not believe photoshop circa 1995 could have produced the "Water Blackfella" photo. I still hold out for its being a model: vegetation in the foreground looks mighty like plain grass to me and the appearance surface of the water seems to indicate that size to me. Of course a digital photo version of the original could well have been made later (circa 2000?) and be the version subsequently shipped around.I first saw the photo in the late 1990s myself. I thought I had an older printing in one of my books but the oldest copy I have reproduced anywhere in my library is circa 2000."

I tend to agree with you mate, and I am fairly certain that I can see lesser duckweed (Lemna minor) and Canadian pondweed (Elodea) in the background...


  1. also if you compare the emerging fern fronds in pics 2&3 i think it is you will see a big descrepency, I would have to say almost a giveaway.
    My ipinion is a definate modified figure ( childs Toy). using perspective photography but not quite pulling it off, especially in these new images.

  2. on the original image too if you look closely you can see where the shoulder joints have been over done to cover them up, no breasts.
    the plant just in front is sedge grass anyone growing canrivorous plants in sphagnum moss is all too familiar with this menace specially at the sprouting stage as shown. and i belive the flower in front of the creature to be Butterwort probably Pinguicula ionantha, not a very large plant.
    Conclusion model modified and taken in someones bog garden.

  3. I'm 100% sure it's a model, as like I said a few posts ago, I recall it being mentioned in reference to some kind of 'fantasy' book, i.e. Warhammer, role-playing kind of thing. I've seen similar 'models' but can't bloody recall where...grrr!
