Sunday, April 05, 2009

NIGEL WRIGHT: How a stray UFOlogist wandered into the CFZ World

Following the recent excellent series, recounting one persons entry into the world of the weird weekends, I thought it might be fun to recall how I, as a simple, innocent ufologist, managed to enter the quite extraordinary world that the crew of the CFZ inhabit!!..For those of you that may be of a nervous disposition fear not! This report does not contain references to any un-earthly demons or even Tony Blair!..

Let us begin...

It all began, as most life-changing moments do, with a simple act. It was the spring of 1997. I was a cabbie in Exmouth, passing away another boring afternoon shift by listening to the radio, between radio call outs. BBC Radio Devon was broadcasting a series of spots entitled “Weird about the West”. This particular day the subject matter was UFO’s over the area. Now that WAS my bag! (As they say)

I had been “into” ufology since childhood, following an encounter with a UFO near Plympton, whilst on a caravanning holiday with my parents. The guest speaker began his piece, and to be totally honest, I was not really too impressed by the talk. I cannot recall now what it was that I did not agree with, but it must have been something important to me, because, for the first time in my entire life, I felt strongly enough about it that I stopped at the nearest phone box, and left my customer in my taxi as I rang up the studio number to complain, and make my point over the subject matter.

To my surprise, I really got on with the guest speaker, and when he invited me to come up to his place in Exeter to discuss the matter I was only too pleased to accept. So, after I had finished my call I returned to my taxi, and my none-too pleased customer!

The next customer cancelled their trip, and so I radioed in my boss, and took the rest of the day off, due to a make believe family crisis. I dashed to the address in Exeter, which the guest speaker had given me on the phone. I arrived to find a neat row of modern houses. Having arrived at the number I was very disappointed to fine no-one in!. Determined to have my say, I decided to stay put, and so I encamped myself on the doorstep, armed with my paperback and my trusty pack of fags!...

So engrossed was I in my book, that I did not notice the tall, thin man that suddenly appeared over me. “Hummn!..Hi!” he said, his voice had a slightly posh, and yet, friendly twang to it. I explained who I was, and what I was doing there, littering up their doorstep with my dog ends! I found out from him that his name was Graham, and that he was number two in the CFZ. Then, from around the top of the steps, came a tower of a guy, who, with his long hair and beard, somewhat put the fear of God up me! “You must be Nigel” he asked in a very refined and educated voice. So, that is how Jon and I first met, and the rest as they say, is history!. I went on to spend more and more time with the guys, and eventually became a full-time member of the crew. Over the years Jon and I have had many a fall out, but he and indeed the rest of the crew remain some of the nicest people I have ever met, and a pleasure to call my friends!. See what listening to the radio can do for you!!!!

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