Sunday, April 12, 2009


I am becoming very fond of dear Naomi's writing. On her own blog "All this Pudding" (don't ask - she explained it to me the other night, but I was drunk, although it made perfect sense then) she describes her first ghost hunt:

Richie and I got a group together last night to investigate a famously haunted bridge about 30 miles away. It's called the Maxdale Bridge -- on a small road now closed to traffic -- and just beyond it is an allegedly haunted cemetery.

We took five friends -- Christopher and Carrie, Chris and Jessica, and my cousin Matthew. We also took a thermos of coffee, a video camera, and a voice recorder to pick up any EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon -- basically ghost voices below audible hearing). Chris, who is a fire-fighter tried to borrow a thermal imaging camera from the fire dept. but they just laughed at him.

It is the odd mix of fortean and domestic that makes her writing irresistible. You have to read the rest of this. Check out the link at the top of the page...


  1. Naomi and I listened to the recorded audio last night of our apparently uneventful venture. We discovered three electronic voice phenomena (EVPs) that shocked us.

  2. The personality of a person after his or her own death which is not directly tied to the soul or spirit. A type of psychic memory imprint.
