Friday, April 24, 2009


John Michell, a dear friend of us all, and one of the major figures in British Forteana over the past half century has died of cancer. He was 76. I am not going to do a proper obituary of him; I am atually too upset at the moment, but I would like to remember the kind and gentle man who looked at my manuscript for "Owlman" way before it was published and gave constructive criticism, who got mildly tiddly after the launch for Merrily Harpur's big cat book, and flirted charmingly and sweetly with Corinna (who then was still my fiancee). I want to remember the man who popularised forteana in the 1960s, who taught me ribald limericks, who introduced the hippy culture to earth mysteries, and who now is never going to appear at the Weird Weekend or buy me the pint he owes me.

Rest in Peace John.


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  2. So sorry to hear this. Had been reading the articles about him in FT which prompted me to look him up online only to discover this sad news.

    I'll never forget his talk at Unconvention years ago about the authorship of Shakespeare's plays. Such a fascinating, engaging speaker.

  3. I am also a Corinna who enjoyed John's wit and flirtation. I share some of my memories of him on my blog:

    He was a great man and a dear friend and I am more than a bit sniffly at the moment.

  4. John Michell - The Man and the Mind behind the Work - is a site for friends and connections of JM to celebrate and share memories of him.

    All friends are welcome.

  5. John Michell - The Man and the Mind behind the Work - is a site for friends and connections of JM to celebrate and share memories of him.

    All friends are welcome.

    Juno Gemes

  6. THE major illumini of earth mysteries and sacred geometry....a vast and incalculable loss.
    i was very privileged to have met him on a few occasions ,most recently last year where i recorded an interview with him on his yet to be released book "how the universe was made " Excerpts on the OBOD druid cast.
    I did however have the opportunity to tell him what a great shining light of inspiration he had been to myself and many of my contemporaries ,including killing joke.
    honor the fire and join me in a noble salute to this great man !
