Monday, April 27, 2009

CFZ AUSTRALIA: New on YouTube - the Radium Hill tiger

Our friends and colleagues at CFZ Australia have started their own Youtube Channel. They write: We've been terribly slack in updating this blog, but rest assured behind the scenes we've been busy!We thought visitors might be interested in a couple of Youtube offerings we've just posted up. Visit our (soon to be expanded) Youtube page.

To celebrate this new project over three evenings this week we are posting their first three videios: Tonight - the Radium Hill Tiger. The bizarre 'Radium Hill Tiger' was filmed in Australia in the early 1980s near an old disused mine. The large white cat-like animal fascinated the husband and wife filming it: "It's a lion - no, it's a tiger, a bloody tiger!"

1 comment:

  1. I'm not convinced it moves like a cat at all. Why don't witnesses ever walk towards the animals they are filming ? Towards the end the animal, when turning to face the camera, seems to have a neck too long for a cat - goat maybe ?
