Friday, March 06, 2009


I have just invested a speculative $35 in upgrading the page count gizmo on the CFZ bloggo. This is mainly because Max, who is a frighteningly intelligent young man , as well as studying animal related stuff for his A-levels is also studying economics, and keeps on muttering stuff about demographics and record keeping to me.

The truth is, that although I am as obsessive compulsive as the next man, my brain just doesn't work like that, and although Max kept on hustling me to keep records of our daily hit count, I kept on forgetting to, and so - in the end - rather than be bullied unmercifully by a teenager, I paid for the Bravenet upgrade.

What was a jolly fun side effect of this was the utility that shows - in map form - where in the world our readers live, and as I write (early evening on friday) it is mildly amusing to look at the whereabouts of you good folk out in readerland.

Now, I am not at all surprised to find that more of our readers live in America than in the UK, and I already knew that we had readers in the UAE, Australia and New Zealand, but please tell me, who are our readers in:

Iran, Islamic Republic of

and a host of other countries where we seem to have one or two loyal readers. Write to me guys and say hello. The CFZ are always looking for more regional reps, so please get in touch

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