Friday, March 20, 2009

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's news today

Welcome to the bad puns and biscuits column. I am pleased to inform you that after careful consideration this weeks recommended biscuit is the Garibaldi, aka the dead fly biscuit, one of the Garibaldi’s strengths is it’s adaptability, it is a truly interactive biscuit and you can choose its size according to where you snap it. Oh, but before the bad pun there is the small matter of why you’re really reading my inane prattling; the CFZ daily news blog update:

Fungus Kills About 90 Percent Of Connecticut's Bats
Fossil hints at fuzzy dinosaurs
Defunct species of bat spotted in Zanzibar
That big, strange critter still a mystery to residents
Cattle respond to magnetic fields from power lines
Mystery condition leaves hedgehog with no spines

Poor hedgehog, he’s ‘spineless’ about the prospect of being released back to the wild in that strate.


  1. I would certainly say the poor little Hedgehog is definitely in a "prickly" situation.

  2. For goodness sake Lucas
