Wednesday, March 11, 2009


After an absence of about a week due to the need to help with new work being done on my house, I have now collected a few more examples of early nineteenth century Fortean Zoology, from the archives of Macclesfield library,which I present here:

"A few days since, as one of the Lancashire Militia was bathing in Mill Bay,near Plymouth and was returning from a lugger to which he had swam, the spectators became alarmed by his repeated shrieks- A boat having been sent immediately to ascertain the cause of his cries, he informed the rowers that he had been followed and repeatedly bitten by a fish of enormous size, and on examining his legs, they were found to have been bitten severely in several places."
It is probable that a shark may have followed the mackeral into Plymouth Sound, as the approach of this kind of fish to the western shores is generally marked by the appearence of fish of enormous size, who prey upon them. Macclesfield Courier and Stockport Express or Cheshire General Advertiser. August 8th 1812. p.3


"A white swallow was last week killed in Bulk, Lancaster, and is intended to be preserved for the inspection of the curious in natural history."

What HAPPENS to all these preserved Fortean specimens?!

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