Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I do not want to be perceived as getting involved in party politics either in the UK or abroad, but America's new president should be congratulated for one particular action of his. According to an article published yesterday in the Washington Post:

"Today President Obama will restore rules requiring U.S. agencies consult with independent federal experts to determine if their actions might harm threatened and endangered species, according to an administration official who asked not to be identified, marking yet another reversal of President Bush's environmental legacy".

For reasons known only to himself, President Bush changed a longstanding practice under the Endangered Species Act in the last days of his administration. He issued rules that allowed agencies to move ahead with projects and programs without seeking an independent review by either the Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. God only knows why he did it, because this act of senseless stupidity, combined with Sarah Palin's sheer dumbness quite possibly cost the Republican Party the election.

Well done to Obama for showing the common sense, political acumen, and environmental compassion to restore common sense.


  1. The following Washington Post article provides an explanation of the Bush administration's strategy, right or wrong:

  2. The following Washington Post article provides an explanation of the Bush administration's strategy, right or wrong:
