Monday, February 23, 2009


In her most recent blog posting my darling wife Corinna makes brief mention of a pub sign in the Middlesex village of Wraysbury. It features a snail that looks somewhat like Helix pomatia crossing what looks like a desert.

This got me thinking. I am often accused of being obsessed with pubs, but I don't think I have ever seen another pub sign featuring an invertebrate. So its over to you. We are launching the fabbo great British invertebrate pub sign hunt. If you see any pub signs featuring invertebrates, please send photographs to us, so that we can post them on what I am sure is going to become a wonderfully and epicly pointless, but mildly amusing bloggo thread..

1 comment:

  1. Well, there is the Slug & Lettuce chain, so they might perhaps have an appropriate picture on a sign somewhere.
