Wednesday, February 25, 2009

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's news today

Just time before I shuffle off to bed to update you on the news stories uploaded to the CFZ’s news blog on the 24th of Feb.

Four news stories were posted yesterday: A new sighting of the Whitby big cat (seen by a man lucky enough to have seen it a year before), an out of place bird in Hawaii, a new discovery relating to a fish with amazing eyes, and a 3 metre long oarfish that has been discovered washed up on Tynemouth beach.
It’s only the 4th oarfish that has washed up on a British beach since 1981, so I suppose you could call it a pretty ‘oar’some discovery, apparently scientists are going to perform an ‘oar’topsy on it too.

1 comment:

  1. well done Oll keep this up and you could "Oar'chistrate a whole new fashion. Its good our "Oar"ganisation presents news like this so us "Oar"dinary folks keep up with the in"Oar"dinate amount of cryptonews out there.
    Ih gods now im gonna be at it all day driving my kids mad.
