Sunday, February 15, 2009

More on the Texas blue dogs

Our friend Naomi West one of our Texas representatives, writes to tell us:

I found this tonight. It's the same footage of the "chupacabra" caught on tape by the cop but it has an excellent shot of the long snout! They slow the tape down.

Watch the video here

I just thought you might like to see it.

Indeed we do. I wish that the media would stop trying to claim that these blue dogs have anything to do with the chupacabra. We have been studying them for some years, and it is certain that they are coyotes of some description. Either coyotes with some strange skin condition, or coyotes in the very earliest stages of speciation..

Watch this space

1 comment:

  1. That video is much better with them slowing it down.
    I thing I can say is it has a hell of a over bite!

    I must say I still think it is some sort of coyote or coydog with an overshot jaw.

    "Regarding your comment about the correct terms: An overbite is also an overshot jaw. It has the upper teeth protruding. It is also called micrognathia, in that the lower jaw, or mandible, is smaller, thus making the upper jaw, or maxilla protrude. It is also called maxillary hyperplasia, meaning more growth to the maxilla, or mandibular hypoplasia, or less growth of the mandible."

    This was taken from:

    This issue is also hereditary, due to the fact the animal will have problems eating properly.
