Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Our friend Jack Ashby of the Grant Museum of Zoology, (who by the way, is the latest duide to be added to the ever increasing bill for this year's Weird Weekend) seems to have supernatural powers, and we would strongly urge any visitors to this remarkable zoological collection to take some garlic and a silver bullet with them just in case,

As we reported the other day, no sooner had Jack announced a forthcoming lecture bemoaning the dearth of werewolves in contemporary culture, than werewolves started popping out of the woodwork and appearing allover the CFZ bloggo. We originally thought that this was just a coincidence, but now - after the latest werewolf news - that Jack Ashby has to be to blame.
The pensive looking lady above is Kelly Martins Becker of Sao Paulop, Brazil, who claims to have been attacked in the night of January 28 by "an animal that looked like a big dog, that was standing on its back feet and walked as if it were a man". She made a sketch of the creature.
According to the complaint, the creature scratched the face and arms of the victim. The police informed that Kelly underwent medical examination, where the wounds were confirmed. Officers also claim they will investigate if someone is using a werewolf costume to scare people.


So, nexct time you are in Gower Street, London, and you see an angry mob with pitchforks, or possibly a Brazilian Police Van full of riotsuited Brazilian policemen, you will know why.

Or possibly you should just go and visit the museum anyway, because Jack is a lovely guy and the museum is fantastic. Tell them we sent you, but remember, keep to the paths, and
don't go at a full moon...

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