Friday, February 06, 2009

14ft Mammoth tusk

This amazing picture appeared on Usenet today and shows a true relic from prehistory. Chuck Leake writes: "This mammoth tusk was found by my Yupik friend, Johnny (pictured). It washed out of the permafrost during a flood last year. I have bought and sold mammoth tusks in Alaska for over twenty years. At 14 feet long, this is the longest one I have ever purchased."

The fact that they turn up so often, so many thousands of years after their extinction never ceases to amaze me..

1 comment:

  1. Yes Chuck likes to find and sell Woolly Mammoth Ivory, promises to send ivory after it is paid for, borrows funds from his friends and just cannot come up with funds for the favor. So many victims line the driveway to Chuck's house, earnestly, trying to get what is promised by this ivory supplier. 'Chuck Leake' smooth talker and a face in the shape of a promissory note."
