Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Our first breeding success of the year...

The west African armoured millipedes have bred, which is very encouraging. We were at the AES show back in September, when Graham and Janice Smith (who were sharing a stall with us) let us have a couple of pairs of these glorious creatures that were wild caught and had just come in from The Congo.

They were shagging themselves senseless, and continued to do so throughout the winter until the adults began to die off (we only have one, rather battered looking old chap left.

But look at this (using the cherry tomato as a size-comparison). There are at least a dozen of them and maybe more, but they won't reach adulthood for another 8-10 months or maybe more..

The first CFZ breeding success of 2008 (well, the second if you count Arabella's egg yesterday)

Aren't we doing well?


  1. Blimey, when I read the headline I thought Corinna had a bun in the oven!!!

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    More than one in fact - row upon row of little cherry ones in very attractive flowery paper cases, rising nicely ready for their dubious passage into the unknown depths of Oll's and Jon's digestive tracts!!!

  3. She always has buns in the oven with a man like me around fnurk! fnurk!


  4. PS I just got a slap around the jowels for that last comment

  5. Corinna bullied me into writing the last entry, and as I was slow, she got frustrated, pushed me out the way and wrote the end herself - she can't spell jowls (not that I have any with my slim boyish good looks)

  6. Fnar Fnar Fnar...Matron

  7. oo er it's the vicar [trousers fall down]

  8. As per the blog-post: how's the shagging going? And on a related matter: how are the millipedes doing?

  9. Hey Nige
    Good to see you on the blog!!

  10. So what's going on with you Nige? Doing any investigations right now?

  11. Hi nick!..
    great to hear from you!..busy as always!Helping to run the wife's party firm, and also getting ready to run a once a week radio spot on the local radio station BAY FM check out thier website, and you might spot my small piece!.All best wishes to you and yours!

  12. You like watching millipedes shag? Well I never, these humans fetishes never cease to surprise me. In the absence of gorilla porn, I'm quite happy to watch humans go at it.
