Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Another Year, another video

I thought that you all might be amused by the latest edition of 'On the Track', described by Biffo as our "monthly videobloggy thingy" which is a magnificent piece of semi-alliteration. It includes me doing my all singing, all dancing, Woolsery's Mr Entertainment bit at last year's WW, as well as some items of genuine cryptozoological interest.

Many thanks to all of you who sent messages of support to Corinna and me after the trajic events of Christmas Eve. Guys, believe me, they are very much appreciated.

My love to you all, and best wishes for a groovy New Year...


  1. Happy New Year, guys. I didn't go to a party either. I worked till 10pm and went home knackered. I just had a beer in front of the TV and watched those brilliant fireworks in London.

    The film of the dead sheep was quite acary. These big cats look so cute it's easy to forget that they're very formidable predators.

    (BTW: you've probably already heard of this, but just in case: http://www.cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/pterodactyl-wash/ )

  2. Happy New Year to all at the CFZ!

    We did go to a New Year's Eve party and I paid the price all day yesterday.

    The last thing I remember is playing air-guitar to Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls." LOL.

    Hope 2008 is a better one for you and Corinna, and you are both very much in my and Dana's thoughts.


  3. Excuse me but Motley Crue are the greatest rock 'n' roll glam band...excluded T-Rex, The Sweet and the New York Dols, and I was a big Twisted Sister fan also...can't for the life of me see u Jon in lipstick and heels though ha!

  4. I didn't know you saw Twisted Sister! Where was that? I'm hardly a metal fan but their song "We're not gonna take it" is a classic! (the riff at the beginning is the Sex Pistols' "Silly Thing" intro slightly re-worked...)

  5. I saw them supporting Alice Cooper at Wembley Arena a couple of years ago. Alice was great, but they were horrid.

    `Silly Thing` pish!

    `We're not gonna take it' is a 75% rip off of 'It's not gonna happen' by Slade (the b-side of `Gudbye to Jane`, which was the first single I ever owned back in 1972....
