Tuesday, September 25, 2007


The bastards have just capitulated! I have a full apology, my bank accounts and my credit reference back.

But what do I do next?

1. Nothing
2. Try for compensation
3. Put my crusader's hat on and fight on behalf of every other poor sod in my position

What would you do????????????


  1. What the...?!? Just like that, with no word of explanation? Madness. I dunno what to advise now, Jon. Trying for compensation might be as stressful as losing your account in the first place.

    At the very least I'd demand some sort of explanation and grovelling apology from them.

  2. I would march into the bank, demand to see the manager, explain how your life and physical state of mind was nearly destroyed and make a big scene about it.

  3. yes - compensation too, for having to take time off work to go to the bank, time writing letters, time phoning around, etc etc, and compensation for nearly destroying your life!

  4. Yeah, sod it. Compensation!

  5. Demand your compensation in fine wine, Anti-Nowhere League CDs, and a midnight tuck-feast care of the bank! If they say "yes" I'm flying over for the party!

  6. Can you put your money in a different bank? I would say try for compensation and if they don't give it bank elsewhere. I don't know how you could ever trust banking with them again, but for all I know there may not be other choices.

  7. This is very good news. Now try for an explanation and compensation, but don't, ever, actually bank with them again.
