Sunday, September 17, 2017


Ever since Episode Two we have used a section of one of my favourite songs - Strangely Strange but Oddly Normal by Dr Strangely Strange - as the end music in our monthly webTV show On the Track. Back in 2009, when we went to see Dr Strangely Strange play in London for the first time for a very long time I asked Tim Goulding if it was OK for us to do this, and he smiled and nodded cheerfully, saying yes as long as they were credited and it was a not for profit video. I agreed happily.

However, last week Louis and Olivia both told me that the video would not play on their mobiles, and I did a bit of investigation. The copyright for Dr SS is now - apparently- administered by UMG who are not pleased with us, and as a result YouTube put sanctions on the video as follows:

Ads might appear on your video.
Copyrighted content was found in your video.
The claimant is allowing their content to be used in your YouTube video. However, ads might appear on it.


  • Unavailable on some devices 

Now, I am perfectly aware that an ad hoc conversation after a gig between two hippies, one of whom - at least - was a little worse for wear, does not count as a legally binding agreement, so I am not going to even attempt to challenge the ruling. Instead I have uploaded a new version of the latest one with the fadeout music being When the Green Woods Scream by Xtul.

You can can see it here:

And you can see the previous episode here:

The video quality is not quite as good as the original, but as it is intended for a very small screen I don't suppose it matters. The original versions remain up, for those of you watching on a computer. All future episodes will have entirely original music, so I don't expect there to be any more problems.

However, there is another minor issue of which I suppose you should be aware. When we published the first of the new issues five weeks ago, we miscounted the original series, and thought that had been 75 episodes. In fact there had been 81. So we have renamed the two most recent issues 82 and 83. Blame it all on my rapidly hardening arteries and galloping senility.

Love on ya,


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