Monday, September 26, 2016


Benjamin – the last known thylacine on earth – was locked out of his shelter, and not for the first time. As the mist rolled down from Mt Wellington and ...

A new new video doing the rounds online claims to provide evidence of a living thylacine, a species that's supposed to be extinct. But before you get ...

Another Thylacine sighting
"We believe this a thylacine, caught on camera at dusk in South West Victoria in 2008. The animal is approximately 200 metres from the DV camera.

Many experts think that this video, released by the Thylacine Awareness Group of Australia, is the strongest evidence the animals still roam the planet.

The Gumtree user, known as Will from Hectorville, posted the ad online with the title 'Wanted: Thylacine' under the Pets and Dogs category 

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