Monday, November 30, 2015

Sea monster sightings off Nova Scotia documented in free e-book

Whether you're a believer or not, there's no disputing some people claim to have seen sea monsters in and around Nova Scotia over the last several hundred years. 
In 2003, lobster fisherman Wallace Cartwright told CBC Radio's As It Happens about a sea serpent he saw while checking his traps south of the lighthouse at Point Aconi.
At first he thought it was a log on top of the water, and said he "noticed that the log had a head on it, and the head came out of the water."
He estimated it was six to eight metres long.
"It looked to me like it was a brown animal. It had a head like a — something shaped like a sea turtle. And it had a body on it like a snake, and the girth on the body would be something like about like the size of a five-gallon bucket."

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