Wednesday, May 06, 2015


I received this email a few minutes ago, from a man in mainland Europe:

Hi, I have bought and already payed (on: for the vol. 3 of the Journal of Cryptozoology, and still haven't received anything. Could you please hurry up?! I am actually interested in the publication, that's the reason, that I have bought it! And that's the reason, that I have bought also vols. 1 and 2 some years ago.

First you delay the production of vol. 3 with a whole year or more (congratulations, you got my attention), and now, when the volume actually and finally has been produced, you don't want to send it to the buyers? Now I'm angry. WTF?! What kind of undertaking are you running? Are you deliberately trying to annoy people?

I have ordered that vol. 3, I have payed for it, so please quit the endless keeping of coffee-breaks and send me that volume. And please make sure you pack it properly, otherwise it will get damaged during shipping.

I replied:

You ordered it on the 27th May. We order twice a week, and the order went in on the 1st May. The first weekend of May is a Public Holiday in the UK, and it was not dispatched until the fifth, which was yesterday. We do not dispatch them from here; they are sent out from a company at the other end of the country. The journal is not "a whole year or more late". It is a mere three and a half months caused by circumstances beyond our control. And I would like to point out that there is no excuse for your boorish attitude and rude letter.

I truly have had enough dealing with mannerless oafs like this. This is why, with ever increasing regularity, Corinna and I are sorely tempted to pack the whole thing in, but I don't really want the last twenty years of my life to have been a waste of time.

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