Tuesday, September 09, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: Steve Rider peruses Nick Redfern's latest

Suspicious Deaths, Mysterious Murders
And Bizarre Disappearances
In UFO History.

By Nick Redfern

A Review by Steve Rider.

The last time I reviewed a book I was the secretary of the (now sadly no more) Southampton UFO Group in the UK. I have to say I don’t feel those reviews were my best work but, I was learning.
It has been many long years since those times so, when I was offered this book to review I jumped at the chance. Not just as it is a UFO themed book but, also because it is by an Author/Researcher who I greatly admire.

I had no idea what to expect initially but, the back cover of the book makes a bold statement:
“Getting to close to the comic truth about alien abductions, Roswell, and what the government really knows about UFO’s is clearly a deadly business. Find out the facts here-if you dare!” (Nick Redfern 2014).
Well did I dare….

Of course I did.

In Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind, author Nick Redfern take you on a tour de force of the more deadly side to the UFO phenomenon. Not just that but, he also details stories of intrigue, deception, murder, clandestine operations and some quite interesting links between many of these stories and the key players and participants.
Most of you will be aware of a great many of the cases discussed in the book. Such as the Maury Island incident and Roswell Both famous incidents in the annals of Ufology where strange deaths have occurred following their occurrence.
There are many great from UFO history who have been involved in or have even been the victims, such as PC Alan Godfrey, George Adamski, Capt. Thomas Mantell, Fredrick Valentich and Kenneth Arnold to name just a few.

The book looks into the conspiracies that may well be behind the strange deaths around those who knew too much or were about to ‘blow the whistle’ as it were, on the truth or apparent truth surrounding UFO’s.
What also becomes apparent in the book is that UFO’s are not the only subject that some of these people, Victims and shadowy government agencies, were involved with you will discover many a tale and shadowy figure that links the UFO subject to other significant events such as the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

What this book has is a wealth of information that is presented in a concise and easy to read. Nick’s writing skills and extensive knowledge of the subject are very much in evidence here. The book does keep your attention and written in such a way as to appeal to the seasoned researcher and the novice. There is plenty of scope here for the reader to make their own mind up on the topic’s but, also there are enough question’s still unanswered that will leave you wanting to know more about exactly what is going on out there.  The other thing this leaves you thinking is just how far into the UFO subject do I want to dig?
Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind has to be one of the better books I have read on the subject in recent years. It might not be the most in-depth or detailed but, there is enough there to peak your interest and perhaps give you a thirst for more.

Could I tell you more? Yes but, then I also want you to buy and make up your own mind. Because you will not be disappointed.

Steve Rider
September 2014.

Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind:
Suspicious Deaths, Mysterious Murders and Bizarre Disappearances in UFO History.
By Nick Redfern

Published by New Page Books in the USA.

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