Thursday, September 18, 2014


Possible Bigfoot Activity Recorded at Grays Harbor Thermal Site
While sitting around the fire pit at the Brown's property, some possible bigfoot activity is recorded. First they hear an intense vocalization, and then ...

A Bigfoot Encounter in SE Wisconsin
Bigfoot, the chupacabra, and thunderbirds aren't just figments of our overactive imaginations—according to thousands of eyewitnesses, they exist, ...

Utah Bigfoot
The Utah Bigfoot project compiles stories and experiences from people who have had a significant event happen to them within the borders of the

The Moscow Times
Has the Yeti Come to the Moscow Region? quest for definitive proof of bigfoot, the towering man-like ape that reportedly walks on two legs and terrorizes loggers and ...

Bigfoot Hunting Project Guide
Bigfoot Hunting Project Guide – Optimize Your Adventure. Do you believe in monsters? Do you want to? For beginners to advanced cryptozoologists!

Possible Western PA Bigfoot Sighting?
Bigfoot Evidence reader Dr. Squatch told us a few days ago he was uploading awesome footage. Since we were squatchin' in the Sierras, we almost ...

Bigfoot Face To Face
Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 17th, 2014. A Sasquatch eyewitness describes her up close encounter. Bigfoot Face To Face: Witness ...

A dried flower gift from sasquatch?
Bigfoot Evidence Shawn
Bigfoots have been known to trade with humans. According to some reports, a Bigfoot would leave some sort of relic such as twisted branches, mice ...

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