Wednesday, April 09, 2014


Day 4 – Tuesday
The first thing I did this morning was to find out the paperwork for my work placement log-book and time-shd a mini-panic on the train home when I realised, but knew that it could be rectified on this visit. However, if I were to forget this time, there would be no time to do it before the paperwork is to be handed in.

When the other intern, Saskia, and her younger brother, Riley, arrived, the three of us set about the animal rounds, although it didn’t really require all of us. It was as I was picking out some live mealworms (from amongst the dead ones), for the crow, that I noticed that he displayed stereotypies, hopping back and forth on the same stretch of twig. Later he was the subject of attention of a very large Dogue de Bordeaux (aka French mastiff) puppy, named Arnie. He was not having a good time.

The three of us then gave the conservatory a lick of paint, in a nice light yellow colour. Some got on my jumper! Some filming of this was done, as well as of the quails. Already, the conservatory is looking much better for it. Then, there were suddenly a lot of spiders, so I took myself on a tea and pot noodle break.

After I had settled back down, I conducted another 50% water change on the Xenotoca and stencilled round one of the tanks, on a bit of paper, so a lid can be cut for it, from glass. There was no documentary to watch tonight, so Jon finally signed my papers and we called it a night. 

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