Monday, March 24, 2014


The long awaited weekly newsletter from the
Centre for Fortean Zoology
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#1 - March 24th 2014
Since 1999 we have been collecting addresses for our mailing list, and occasionally sending out newsletters. We always meant to do them regularly, but life - as it has a habit of doing - got in the way. Now, finally we are doing what we should have done a long time ago. You are receiving this because at one point or other you opted in to our NotifyList account. If you do not wish to receive them for any reason you can unsubscribe at the bottom of this page...
Hi Corinna here bringing you the first issue of this newsletter, which will be sent once a week from now on. It will be filled with news, reviews and various CFZ-related goings on.

As mentioned above, if you no longer wish to receive this you can easily unsubscribe by clicking on the button at the bottom, but all of us at the CFZ hope you will be happy to continue to have it pop into your inbox.   
The CFZ Newsletter is edited by Corinna Downes, administratrix supreme, and the wife of the ringmaster of the CFZ Circus.
Last November, the expedition to Tasmania organised by CFZ Australia brought back several scat samples to the UK. It was hoped that they might have been from a thylacine, because they were far larger than those normally expected from a Tasmanian devil (the largest native carnivore officially recorded from the area) and the Game Wardens that the team interviewed confirmed that there were no known wild dogs in the area.

The first set of samples were sent to Lars Thomas in Copenhagen. He writes:

"I have now finished analyzing the two samples of droppings from Tasmania. Despite their size, they are from Tasmanian devils. There is nothing in them to indicate they are anything else.

The hairs are all from either devils themselves or from various other animals, wallabies and so forth. Nothing out of the ordinary. Hence I have not asked Tom to do any kind of DNA analysis. There is nothing in them to justify it."

This is disappointing news, but the whole point of the CFZ is that we are there to find out the truth of matters that we are investigating, and not to prop up empty paradigms.  There are too many people within cryptozoology who indulge in the "Science of Wishful Thinking" and we are determined not to join them. So we always announce our findings, whether or not they had been the ones that we all had been waiting for
Tickets for this year's Weird Weekend are now on sale. So far confirmed for this year's event are:

Nigel Mortimer: Opening Portals
Ronan Coghlan: Bogus Bibles
Lee Walker: Urban Legends of Liverpool
Lars Thomas: Tales from the CFZ Laboratory
Jon and Richard: Introduction to Cryptozoology
Nick Wadham: Alien Abductions
Tony Whitehead (RSPB): O.O.P birds
Carl Marshall: Out of Place animals at Stratford Butterfly Park
Judge Smith: Survival after death
John Higgs: Chaos, Magick, and the band who burned a million quid
Richard Freeman: Tasmania 2013 Expedition Report
Matt Salusbury: Baron Walter Rothschild's Deinotherium caper
C.J. Stone: a MODERN King Arthur
Results of nature walk (Lars/Nick)
Ronan Coghlan: The Amphibians from Outer Space
Jon Downes: Keynote Speech

Miss Crystal Grenade
The CFZ Awards
Silas Hawkins
Kids Nature walk with Lars and Nick
Kids Mad Hatter's Tea Party
Speaker's Dinner at the Community Centre

and of course:
The Tunnel of Goats
The event takes place from the 15-7 August this year in North Devon. Find out more HERE.Tickets are available at a special discount price of £20/head for the whole weekend as long as you buy them in advance. Buy online HERE.
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Our mailing address is:
The Centre for Fortean Zoology,
Myrtle Cottage,
Bideford, North Devon
EX39 5QR

Telephone 01237 431413
Fax+44 (0)7006-074-925

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