Friday, February 28, 2014

CFZ PEOPLE: Joyce Howarth (1954-2014)

Joyce Howarth, our old friend, CFZ patroness and hedge witch, and second only to Tony Shiels, the most powerful magician I have ever met, has died suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep.

I have known something was coming for days; there have been signs and portents a-plenty. Now I know where they were leading.

Goodbye, my dear. I love you and miss you more than I can say....

Farewell to Thee! But not farewell
To all my fondest thoughts of Thee;
Within my heart they still shall dwell
And they shall cheer and comfort me.                                 Anne Bronte


  1. Very sad news.It was through Joyce that I met Jon & Richard for the first time as she was my girlfriend at the time.
    She drove me to my first Weird Weekend.
    We later split up and I last heard from her over 15 years ago.
    my sympathy to Steve who i had also lost touch with.

  2. Very sad news.It was through Joyce that I met Jon & Richard for the first time as she was my girlfriend at the time.
    She drove me to my first Weird Weekend.
    We later split up and I last heard from her over 15 years ago.
    my sympathy to Steve who i had also lost touch with.

  3. Very sorry to hear that mate, that's a shock!
