Monday, May 06, 2013


Yesterday my wife and I were sitting outside on our back porch here in North Carolina and saw the most peculiar bird we've ever seen. We see a wide variety of species that are new to us as Minnesota natives, but we've never seen anything like this. It was huge!

It looks exactly like a pigeon (and probably is) however it was 4 times the size of your run of the mill pest seen in cities around the world. It stood approx 14 to 16 inches in height, it's breast looked to be about
the size of a volley ball and it's wing span was approx 3 feet across. I managed to capture a few photos as they (there were two identical birds) were perching in a tree about 80 - 100 feet away.

You can see a photo here:

I've scoured bird sites high and low and cannot find a match for this bird.

Any help would be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. It looks just like an ordinary mourning dove to me.
