Friday, January 25, 2013

CRYPTOLINK: Toronto Urban Legends: The Great Serpent of Lake Ontario

A word about cryptolinks: We are not responsible for the content of cryptolinks, which are merely links to outside articles that we think are interesting, usually posted up without any comment whatsoever from me.  
Every lake should have a monster, and Lake Ontario is no exception.
The truth behind the tales people tell about Toronto.

A sea serpent, spotted off the coast of Massachusetts in 1639. Image courtesy of the Wikimedia Commons.
Toronto summers can be hot and sticky, and it’s a pet peeve for residents that local beaches are sometimes off-limits to swimmers due to high levels of pollution. But what if it’s not just water quality that keeps us from frolicking in the waves? What if the powers-that-be don’t want us to know that the waters of Lake Ontario harbour something far more sinister than e coli—say, a gigantic monster with razor-sharp teeth and a taste for human flesh?
We can’t prove that this is what’s happening [Editor's Note: This is not what's happening.], but we do know that there’s been a long history of creature sightings in the waters off our shores.

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