Monday, December 03, 2012

DALE DRINNON: Early Minoan civilisation, living plesiosaurs, Cedar & Willow, Benny's Blogs

This just up at Cedar and Willow. Already the last half has broken off to become part 2 and there are now two sequels in the works, with  probably more to come. And the reconciliation with Gary Seven and HIS Backers will have to follow after that in another part:
New at Frontiers of Anthropology:
And Tyler Stone helps out by printing the full Living Plesiosaurs article - when I was posting it at FOZ, the photos did not come through. I wasted a day or so trying to fix that!
New at Benny's Blog the Ominous Octopus Omnibus:
And at his blog for Thelma Todd, news on Thelma's "Ex", Underworld-tinged character Pat DiCiccio
Best Wishes, Dale D.

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