Monday, October 15, 2012

OLL LEWIS: Yesterday's News Today

On this day in 1888 the “From Hell” letter likely written by the person responsible for the Jack the Ripper killings was posted to George Lusk, along with a human kidney (the same kidney that had been missing from the latest victim, Catherine Eddowes). To my mind the fact that the letter was posted to George Lusk who was really just a bit of a nobody trying to make a name for himself in the community by heading up the vigilance committee (which was all piss and vinegar and failed to have any impact on the killings at all) rather than the police or the press, and the fact that Lusk apparently delayed in informing anyone when he revived this crucial bit of evidence speaks volumes. There is thanks to this incident more circumstantial evidence for saying Lusk was the ripper than most of the other suspects, including some of the really popular ones, yet for some reason most Ripperologists dismiss him as a suspect off-hand.
And now the news:
Jack The Ripper by Screaming Lord Sutch (who went on to become the most respected and honest politician in UK history, but was sadly never elected to parliament) :

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