Wednesday, August 15, 2012


And so the busiest week of my year continues. The phone doesn't stop ringing, and the rain is pouring down. This evening I am expecting anything up to 100 people coming into my garden to drink Margaritas. God help us all.

And here, ladies and gents, is another interesting and informative interview with Michael Des Barres, a man who seems to be powered by some internal bionic generator (I succesfully overcame my temptation to use the words 'Power Station'), cos I have never seen such a publicity drive as the one on which he is currently engaged. Michael, I take my hat off to you...

Jon Anderson did a gig in London last week. Unfortunately we missed ut but we found a review of it online. God bless the Internet.

Captain Beefheart is still one of the most emotive artists in the music industry, and even years after his death (and even more years after he stoppoed performing) opinions about him are wildly mixed. Never mind, I know which side of the fence I am on.

Have you noticed the Stalinist re-write of music history over the past few years? The accepted wisdom now is that Progressive Rock (now almost universally known as 'prog', which I find nearly as irritating a contraction as the term 'spag' for spaghetti) got more and more unwieldy and overblown until it was washed away by the cleansing power of punk. Of course, it isn't true. History is never as simple as all that. In 1977, Yes were one of the most popular bands in the world, and punk was nowhere near as popular as disco. However, even though I think his premise is fairly badly flawed, I have found a rather interesting article about Yes, and why Rick Wakeman left the first time...

I have always been a fan of Steven Stills, both in and out of CSN(&Y), and was particularly happy when Gonzo released the Steven Stills/Manassas volume in the acclaimed 'Lost Broadcasts' series, because it gave me an excuse to blog about him. Like this...

And finally, we have another visit to Thom the World Poet:

The eagle eyed amongst you will probably have noticed that my comments are shorter than usual. This is because we are only a few days away from the Weird Weekend We shall be posting as normal, but the posts are likely to be a little bit more perfunctory than usual this week. If you want to know what all the fuss is about - there are still tickets available, and we would love to see you. Only £25 for the best Fortean Fun you can have with your clothes on. And there's free cake!


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