Tuesday, July 03, 2012

JON'S JOURNAL: A question of flowers

If my mother or grandmother were still alive (bless 'em) there would be absolutely no need to write this blog post, because there would be absolutely no need to ask the question. They would have both known the answer immediately, and would have both chided me unmercifully for my ignorance.

However, my grandmother died in 1975, and my mother in 2002, and I am woefully ignorant on the subject of our native wildflowers. Has anyone any idea what these two gorgeous things are?

Please let me know...

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what the plant in the bottom photo is, but the one in the top photo is a Geranium.
    I have two of these growing in my rockery. They are cultivated varieties of Geranium maculatum, the wild Geranium native to north America. Colours range from pinky / white to deep purple/blue
    Yours are possibly escapees from gardens, that have turned feral.

    Check these links out:


